The Reason of Techno (reastekn.xm)
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Splatt Records presents: The Reason of Techno By TNH _ SR120199 If you want to know what is said in the intro: Two things... 1) Listnen carefully 2) Press Swap Bank It's a Homemade sample If I finished this tune, I was probably awake... Damn!! I haven't gone to work in over a month now... You'd say I am quite enjoying myself... GUESS AGAIN!! I wake up at around 2 pm. Smoke a cig-r-et or three. Drink 1/2-a liter of coffee, turn on my computer and at about 4 am. I see that I've missed my bed today & go2 sleep! Nevermind... Greets fly 2: Crash Override Acid Burn (thanx 4 bringing back TL28) Busted Rhymes All at da "Oase" bla, bla, bla... The Address is still: Splatt Records tnv. TNH 6164GC2A Geleen, Netherlands E-mail ad. coming soon CCC Y Y AAA C Y AAA CCC Y A A SOON!! I'm sorry... No... We can not explain why today's youth uses drugs or socalled "Mind-boosters" when listening to our music Some say that it opens doors. Doors 2 another world. There the sub- concious is one with the body and one is given the thought that he is a God... Above everything... But for the actual experience... Well... I think you should ask someone who has been there; experienced the whole thing... _TNH 1999 Playing Time 3'42" Size:2959831 Bytes (Issie te groot ?!)
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