Itzel (Fixed) (
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Itzel (Slow Trance Edit) DigiDz / Apr-27-2013 Original module by: Meztli Blue/BST *Made In MadLand* Fixed some volume issues! *E quando questa gentilissima salute salutava Non che Amore fosse tal mezzo che potesse Obumbrare a me la intollerabile beatitudine Ma elli quasi per soverchio di dolcezza Divenia tale, che lo mio corpo, lo quale era Tutto allora sotto lo suo reggimento, molte Volte si movea come cosa grave inanimata* (C)2013-DDZ
ex3_bass6x ex5_ohh909 ex6_bassdr_pop ex7_chh909 ex8_clap6x ex12_saw_wave6x ex13_square_wave6x CHOIR_1 ACP_PAD1 Wave Bass Drum Tambourine Closed HiHat Open HiHat Hand Clap Woodlike Reverse Bass Drum Crash Cymbal Saw Piano Saw Wave Filtered Lead 2 Saw Piano Saw Wave 2 ahshedup.wav Bass Hand Clap 2 Bass 2 MiChord FiltLead playsomejazz.wav Saw Lead Smw_sprout.wav Snare Drum Tb303 Bass Drum 2 Hand Clap 2 Saw Lead Snare Drum Fmem.wav Open HiHat2 Bass 3 Maracas Bass Drum 3 Hand Clap 3 Like-it-loveit.wav Filtered Pad Hand Clap 4 Crash Cymbal 2 Smw_feather.wav Smw_flyinjury.wav Rim Shot Zap FX Pizzicato Strings Angelha.wav And the hits just keep Lookinup.wav play some jazz Vocals La_de_da.wav Lostsnse.wav
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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