electro5_or_anne.xm (electro5_or_anne.xm)
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"For Anne" StringConstant ByteBrass StreamSynth GPFSnare BitBass V.42bis Vibraphone Piano7 WordHatClosed WordHatOpen WordSnare SIMMbal OEMPiano DriveLight technob base drum tech1 tech1.5 tech2 tech3 tech4 tech5 synth1 future1 future2 technob1 mad technob piano2 blop tech1 tech2 tech3 synth thing synth7 synth10 synth6 technob5 tb303.res.01 piano1 piano7.5 ending tech2.5 believe me, and I must make you believe... : ASCII art time: Yes! It's a city duri a blackout! *wewp* Wow. You're so eleet. You found the "hidden" message. I bet you th there's something good down here. You'll kee reading, and not too l from now you'll realiz that there's nothing o value in this paragrap StringConstant ByteBrass StreamSynth GPFSnare BitBass V.42bis Vibraphone WordHatClosed WordHatOpen WordSnare SIMMbal OEMPiano DriveLight ** ** SH101-2 Future2.wav Future~2.wav SH101-2 ********* ** *** *** ******** ******** ** ** ** ********
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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