Bonthy Killers! (
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>>>"Bonthy Killers"<<< Sequenced by TRiGGER, Feb-27-2014 Using Modplug Tracker 1.16 134 BPM, IT format Intel Celeron 333 MHz (Codename "Mendocino", 128Kb L2 Cache), 512 Mb RAM, Windows XP Suricata OS, Yamaha DS1x Audio System, Please don't pay any attention to bad module players! Mandelbrot Set Rules! Please check out my fractal art at my website! >>>*TRiGGER 2014!*<<<
bbbbb bbbbb Crash Cymbal Snare Drum rebirth+selfmade Analog Bass (???) Sawtooth Wave (???) Bass Drum (???) Ride Cymbal (Katie Cadet) Open Hi Hat (???) Crash Cymbal (???) Snare Drum (Katie Cadet) Waveform (Karsten Koch) Hand Clap (Katie Cadet) Sawtooth Wave (???) Sawtooth Wave (???)
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Western Electronica at it's best! Although not quite in my taste though the melody isn't perfect at first but keep going and you'll see!