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SHE WALKS BY by REACTOR GRITS Some soft instrumental hiphop tpt 5 37 dof august 1999 ╕1999 Reactor studios Amsterdam Greets fly out to LDX, Drome, The Royal Assassin, DiZZ, Bassalot, Highway, FR, Simon, Chr=, Heut, Jonkoen 'n all _ AME word to da royal assassin fo' da bass email: da RSA homepage:
SHE WALKS BY by REACTOR GRITS (shift-f9) Shakehit Fender Rhodes G#3 Shaker Hi-tubular Dreamin' bd Coyote rimshot Smorphi snaredrum Noizshot hihat Kenzu bassline Fingaclick Open hihat Fender Rhodes G#4 Reversed smorphi sd Redfern Strings Mayhem beat 606 open hihat Crash cymbal Sharp cut 808 ICP1 wood Belltree Trumpets Brass Trumpets hit Short trumpets hit Trumpet
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Artist's Comments
Some soft instrumental hiphop
tpt 5 37
dof august 1999
¸1999 Reactor studios Amsterdam
Greets fly out to LDX, Drome, The Royal Assassin, DiZZ, Bassalot, Highway, FR, Simon, Chr=, Heut, Jonkoen 'n all @ AME word to da royal assassin fo' da bass - Reactor Grits