The Song o' Joy (
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Beat Tamburine Rimshot Shaker Closed Hihat Cymbal Small Cymbal Low Piano Piano Hi Piano Strings ========================= The Song o' Joy Composed, Tracked and Arranged, etc In Impulse Tracker By Major Bludd of My Personal Smilies :-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-): This song is supposed to be happy. Do you think it sounds happy? Well, it's for you to decide. All samps are ripped, because I haven't got a sampler (Windows sucks for sampling), I don't got an instrument (except for a keyboard that can't handle Line-in) and I don't know the art! Of sampling, that is. Greetz: Everybody that's from Norway, a guy called Jason that I met on IRC, and my smilies! /////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\ Piano by Basehead. Strings by JJJ, maybe.:) \\\\\\\\\\\\\//////////// Hey! Don't look at sample 99!! (sucker..) Woahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahaahahahahahahahaahha hahahahahahahahhahahahhaa harhg!....... Ahem! Huh huh huh, yeah. Cool! Um, sorry. That was only one of my "problems". :-) Sorry, for no Instruments to rip! :-) Don't think about Shift F9 in IT! This song was made before that Song Message thing! -Major Bludd BTW I forgot to credit someone! Cymbal(s?) by Big Jim Tamburine by Siren Tha shaker is also by JJJ And da otha stuff is by some amiga people..... Ya HAD ta look! :*>:*>:*>
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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