Simple World (
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Major Bludd/MPS in January 25/97. This is my first major module in 1997, yeah, yeah, so I've made some small ones but hey, they'll probably never leave my HD. These people rocks and deserves respect: Da makers of Babylon 5 (a great TV series), Da maker of Impulse Tracker, the best tracker in the world: Pulse The King of Norway and everyone that likes tracked music and the scene!! Thanks to: Ahwell..... THANKS TO EVERYBODY!!! -Major Bludd (Eskil Lauritsen) Oh yes..... If you for any reason (except stupid stuff) wanna contact me write to: (only snail-mail addy) Eskil Lauritsen Bergstien 5 9800 Vads¢ (0) Norway I won't reply if the letter is dumb, stupid and ill ment critics! If you're not norwegian, please write in english. If you're norwegian, well, you understand..... Oh yes, it's VERY cold here! 0-> :⌡) /\ /\ || || || || Cyclops Smilie Moustash Smilie
Piano Drumset Hi Strings Low Strings Piano Octave 1 Piano Octave 2 Piano Octave 3 Piano Octave 4 Piano Octave 5 Piano Octave 6 Bassdrum Lame Bassdrum Snaredrum Bassdrum w/open hihat Cymbal-chrash Closed Hihat Open Hihat Tomdrum Tamburine Rimshot Hi Strings Low Strings ååååååååååååååååååååååååå ÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅ Simple World by Major Bludd of My Personal Smilies :-),-):-),-):-);-):-);-): Playing Time:4.26 min Sample Credits: Percussion (ex. rimshot) by Tito of Candela/Groove Piano by Pulse (I think Pulse ripped the samples too) Strings by ?? Rimshot by Alpha of Banana Dezign I won't write anything in the Sample List heute, so you'll have to boldly go where no man has gone before. :*> Dat means: Pwess Swift+F9 hehehehe (ahem) :) /\ || He's had an unsuccesful nose-job. Copyright (c) Major Bludd and My Personal Smilies :-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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