"Nothing" is better..... (nothing_is_better.it)
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Oy! Notn here, you bloody bastard, you! :)
Percussion Piano Viol-pad Lead Sax Sound-pad Thingy Smoothbass Moogbass Low Strings Oboe Bassdrum Snaredrum Snare- and Bassdrum Closed Hihat Open Hihat Thingy Cymbal Slow Cymbal Lead Sax Piano Octave1 Piano Octave2 Piano Octave3 Piano Octave4 Piano Octave5 Piano Octave6 Sound-pad Viol-pad Smoothbass Moogbass Low Strings Oboe "Nothing" is better than Stupid Stuff By the King o' Stupid Stuff.... Major Bludd of My Personal Smilies :-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-): Sample Credits Bassdrum, Snaredrum, Snare- and Bassdrum, Hihats and Moogbass by The Zapper Piano n' Cymbal by Necros Slowcymbal, Piano Octave6 Viola-pad and Low Strings by Pulse Thingy by Yannis Brown Oboe by Siren Smoothbass, Lead Sax and Soundpad by ??? Piano Octave6 also by Pulse So credit these people if ya use some of these samples, ok? Playing Time: 2.32 min I say... Nothing! That's better..... hehehe :) -Major Bludd THE Nothing ยข Major Bludd enjoys fishing in sewers, eating icky candy and relaxing in front of the TV with a newly opened can of cheese... (c) My Personal Smilies BTW! Sorry for the noise in some samples! Woah! There's a SECRET!:) hehehe betcha can't find it! OKAY! So it's easy to find! SO WHAT!? Dammit! Everyone's a critic! Sheez!...
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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