Rendez-Vous Part 4 (
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Don't you think the Rimshot, Shaker, Claps thing is KEWL!? Huh? Come on! Don't play dumb with me, you.... eh.... dumb... guy! I KNOW you LOVE it! Oh yeah, I do!!! The beginning of the song is original, that is, MINE! 29 is the most samples I have EVER used in a song! -An Insane Major Bludd says: Live long and prosper!
Jazz Ridecymbal Ridecymbal Closed-hihat Open-hihat Bassdrum Double snare Chrash Cymbal Shaker Rimshot Clap1 Clap2 Clap3 Clap4 Techo-beatdrum Techno-snare Techno-cymbal Moog Bass Finger Bass Trumpet-lead Swoop1 Swoop2 Static Noise1 Static Noise2 Synth-lead Elek tom Backupstrings Alarm Panflute Synthbrass Jazz Ridecymbal Ridecymbal Closed-hihat Open-hihat Bassdrum Double snare Chrash Cymbal Shaker Rimshot Clap1 Clap2 Clap3 Clap4 Techo-beatdrum Techno-snare Techno-cymbal Moog Bass Finger Bass Trumpet-lead Backupstrings Panflute Alarm Synthbrass Synth-lead Elek tom Swoop1 Swoop2 Static Noise1 Static Noise2 Rendez-Vouz Part 4 Composed by Jean-Michel Jarre Tracked by Major Bludd of My Personal Smilies :-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-): Sample Credits: Zapper: #3,4,6,7,17,18,29 ChuckB: #10,11,12,13,14, #15,16 Kuki Koch: #26,27,28 LizardKing: #1 Leviathan: #2 BigJim: #5 JJJ: #8 Alpha: #9 Yannis Brown: #19 Pulse: #21 ???: #20,22,23,24,25 This song is one of my favorite Jarre songs. That and Oxygene 4, Chronologie 4 and Calypso 1... The end is almost copied from Zapper's version of this song... That's because I wasn't sure how to do it.... :) I'm sure it's okay with you, Zapper! :):):):) Enjoy all of the 4.44mins !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -Major Bludd ¢ Major Bludd invites you all to his next free- outdoor consert on the South Pole! There you can see the original penguins from the Oxygene 4 music-video from 1976! Remember this: Do NOT bring bathing- suits and sandals! :) Press shift F9 and read the short message! :)
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