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The Missing Element (6th.it)

Info Summary

  • 6th.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 227.82KB in size and has been downloaded 173 times since Mon 7th Jul 2014 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 175632
  • Downloads: 173
  • Favourited: 0 times
  • MD5: 4fed9fe5e15a63ad23b2962b08d59cbf
  • Format: IT
  • Channels: 24
  • Uncompressed Size: 227.82KB
  • Genre: n/a

License License


Rating Ratings

  • Member Rating: rating (Unrated)
  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

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  • None, yet!

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Info Internal Texts *


     ████\ ▄██▄  █▌ ▐█\
     █\  \ █\ █\ ▀█▄█▀\
     █▄▄   █  █   ▐█▌
     █\ \  █  █  ▄█▀█▄
     █     ▀██▀\ █▌ ▐█
     \\     \ \  \\  \\
  "The Missing Element"

 I'm sorry to leave the
 AWE32, 512Kb users out.
 (i have one my own)
 This Module just had to
 exeed that 256Kb line on
 8-bit samples...

 Also, this song exeeds
 the AWE Hardware limit..

 So, no AWE compatible
 song this time.... Sorry!

 You just gotta put it on
 SB16 mode (IT2.14) then!


 -The Fox

    (c) The Fox 1998

 Updates to this version:
 Smoother speed slide pt28
 Corrected notecut action
 Corrected volumeslide
 Extra pattern for v-slide
 Est. Runtime is now 4:01
 Because of the speed

 Oh, and I'd like to thank
 everyone that ever listened
 to a Fox-Module....

Sy: Choir/strings 478
Sy: Brass/new syns
Sy: Strings 8
Sy: Echo Sp-Bass
Pi: High Piano 2
Hihat a6
SE: Teksnare
Pe: Crash Cymbal 2
TM: Hypertom
Pe: Ride Cymbal
Sy: Brass 122 long
Sy: Filter slide acid2
Vo: Love-Breeze
Sy: Sawwave 1
Vo: Choir zoveel
Sy: Echo Sp-Bass
Sy: Choir/strings 478
Sy: Brass/new syns
Sy: Strings 8
Sy: Echo Sp-Bass
Pi: High Piano 2
Hihat a6
SE: Teksnare
Pe: Crash Cymbal 2
TM: Hypertom
Pe: Ride Cymbal
Sy: Brass 122 long
Sy: Filter slide acid2
Vo: Love-Breeze
Sy: Sawwave 1
Vo: Choir zoveel
Sy: Echo Sp-Bass

 "The Missing Element"

Composed by The Fox

This is a totally new
song, only it's based on
Autolycus's "The Fifth
Element" Pattern 12,
which wasn't used in the
song at all, so i can't
speak of a remix....
It's not a variation
either.... It's just an
improvement of that


Est. Runtime:   4:00
Samples/Inst.:   17
Work hours:   at least 9
Channels Used:   24

Thanx to:-
Ice-Qbe, Autolycus, BJ,
CC, and all those others
i forgot....

A few of these samples
are mine, feel free to
use them... good samples
are hard to get!


   (c) The Fox 1998

 Finished  * 23-2-1998 *

Version: 1.02 α

Contact me:-


this is the first MOD
that's going to be
released carrying the
new Tracking Group Name:


(Homepage on the way!)

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
