World of Canvas (
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W o r l d . o f . C a n v a s F o u r . M i n u t e s . F i f t y - S i x . S e c o n d s E l . B l a n c o C h a o s . T h e o r y F o r R e t u r n . T o . S t a g e . 9 C o m m e n t s . . . . . First thing, let me detract from my song and apologize for it:) I know it doesn't have all the fancy parts and bridges and doodads that modern songs are supposed to have, but I was trying to get a certain feel for it. I think I got about 80% of what I wanted out of it which is good enough for government work IMHO <G> Uhm, I sorta made the singing samples (ripped off of a friend's CD I forget what they are called, I'm sure if you recognize the samples you know what CD it came from). The high register string sample is a modified version of another sample I have etc. etc. I'm actually pretty happy to be on a disk with so many big time names. Blah blah etc. etc. Whatever....anyways this is more or less my typical music style <warning plug up ahead> get more at or look around the web. If you want some *really* old stuff of mine search for "Lord Blanka the Black" my old handle. G r e e t s . . . . . Stein - For organizing this disk. Chaos Theory - For being nifty. The people on this disk - because you are on this disk. Trackers etc. everywhere - because you are cool and track.
UNNAMED WS 15-STR~1.WAV 15-STR~1.WAV UNNAMED WS Pixel / FC Running Length 4:36 necros.revcym UNNAMED WS UNNAMED WS UNNAMED WS UNNAMED WS UNNAMED WS UNNAMED WS UNNAMED WS UNNAMED WS awesome.flute.mel MIDICLAV.W12 SING2.WAV SING3.WAV SING4.WAV 02-VIO~1.WAV BDRM01.WAV BDRM04.WAV LONG RAP KIK Hi-Hat Chip Hi-Hat Closed Hi-Hat Open bh.reverse.snare World of Canvas 4:56 For the music disk Return to Stage 9 17-STR~1.WAV 15-STR~1.WAV UNNAMED WS Pixel / FC necros.revcym Running Length 4:36 UNNAMED WS UNNAMED WS UNNAMED WS UNNAMED WS UNNAMED WS UNNAMED WS UNNAMED WS UNNAMED WS awesome.flute.mel MIDICLAV.W12 SING2.WAV SING3.WAV SING4.WAV 02-VIO~1.WAV BDRM01.WAV BDRM04.WAV THUMPER Hi-Hat Chip Hi-Hat Closed Hi-Hat Open sbn World of Canvas 4:56 El Blanco Chaos Theory For the Music disk Return to Stage 9
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