Falling Up (ari-fall.it)
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This is just a song I came up with. I hadn't tracked any short little techno tunes like this since I tracked Spread a long time ago. I don't expect some five star rating, seeing as techno usually gets rated really low unless someone that's scenially popular wrote it. So just enjoy the song, bounce around in your chair a little bit, and throw it away if you hate it. Remember to check www.primenet.com/~stalker/index1.html There are good things there. Pretty things. Shiny things. Write me mail if you want to. stalker_primenet.com Love, Ari (aka Stalker) Ari thanks you for the cookie.
Pluto rezo 1 Pluto Pi eglimmer 4 eglimmer 1 eglimmer 2 Li'l Vinyl 2 Li'l Vinyl 1 anorz2 anorz4 NoName Tech Hat Closed Tech Hat Open Brainrush BD RY-10 Snare Drum 40 GUS.ClosedHiHat HopeSweep String Ensemble 1 - Falling Up - by Ari. Feb. 13, 1997. [shift-f9 in IT for text]
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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