The Fairy Wedding (
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Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 4th Aug 2014
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5am 15th of June 1997: This song was originally called 'Mimica the Fairy', but I felt that I should change it, since the song had a more wedding-kind of feeling.. This song has also been a very long time project for me. The first version with 50% of the current patterns was done in January 1997, and the rest of it in June, same year ofcourse. I was also thinking of contributing to the Assembly'97 multichannel music competition with this same song, but came to the conclusion that it would be too soft and slow for the contest. So, when I was asked to contribute to the Destiny musicdisk, I had this one just waiting for the occasion... BTW, my little sister really likes this song. She has even created a simple coreography for it, and every time I play the song loud, she tends to come to my room and do her dance. Very, very irritating. :-) --Salomon
(C)omposed by Salomon Finished on 15061997. --------------------- yes, it must be the fairy wedding going on when a beautiful melody can be heard from the very deep core of the forest. ---------------------
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