Rayleigh Scattering (shinobi_-_rayleigh_scattering.xm)
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Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 8th Oct 2014
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by Shinobi Deadline 2014 ven: kick ven: snare ven: cl hihat ven: tom ven: crash ven: crash reverse ven: FX wst: analoglovethang m 1: polysix Pulse Pulse triangle syn: pwm sid m 1: cloud nine ven: kick top ymh: hand clap ymh: perc triangle M1Supersawhigh full bi 121-Seq Click H.wav ManySlap.wav ManySlap2.wav wavestation ski jam.wa wavestation soft analo m1 simplpiano2.wav sylenth bandisto lower VEH1 Soft Kick - 003.w VEH1SnaresClaps-sc.wav VEH1 Closed Hihat - 05 VEH1 Tom - 18.wav VEH1 Tom - 18.wav VEH1 Tom - 18.wav VEH1 Tom - 18.wav VEH1 Crash - 01.wav VEH1 Crash - 01.wav VEH1FX04 short.wav wavestation analoglove wstanaloglovethang_3.w m1polysix3.wav syn pwm sid.wav m1 cloud nine.wav ven kick 002 top.wav 121-Hand Clap.wav 121-Conga H Open.wav 121-Conga H Mute.wav 121-Bongo L.wav 121-Bongo H.wav trinagle.wav triangle.wav
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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