PaRTy KiNGZ ■KaoTiX/CMD■ (kx_pkngz.s3m)
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·─■∙· KaoTiX ·∙■─· BRiNGz Ya aNoTHa FiNe ·─■ CMD 95 ■─· PRoDuCT: ·∙■─> PaRTy KiNGz <─■∙· ■·■·■·■·■ YeaH!!!...LeT'S PaRTy!!!!! i THiNK THiZ iZ THa KiND oF MuSiX You SHouLD HeaR aT a PaRTy 2 GeT iNTo THa RiGHT MooD... JuST LiSTeN...:-) i DuNNo iF i SHouLD CaLL THiZ HaPPyCoRe oR 'JuST HaRDCoRe WiTH a NiCe MeLo- Dy'...i MeaN...iT iSN'T PuRe HaPPy NeiTHeR iS iT PuRe HaRDCoRe...iT'S JuST PaRTyMuSaX i THiNK... BuT iF Ya'Ve aNy oTHeR THouGHTZ THeN LeT Me KNoW! KiCKeD WiTH ReSPeCTZ: CaLiMeRo,CyCLoNe,4-iCe, SPLiNTeR,PoPe-X aND THa CMD CouRieR TeaM,SaGe, THuNDeRBaSS,CH:iLM,MaDMaX, DeNiaX,aTReiDeS,SCaRFaCe, SNoWMaN,DMa,XTC,Sa,SNoW- ReCoRDZ aND ALL GUYS ON THE CD!!!!!!! CD??!? WHåT CD?!?! WeLL...THaT GReaT KeWL CD "SL1210 VoL.I"...FuLL WiTH SoMe GReaT SCeNeNuMBaH'S! CoNTaCT CH:iLM FoR MoRe iNFo!!!:-) OKiDoKiZ...THaT'S iT! CaLL CyCLoNe BBS [CMD WHQ] 4 MoRe CMD ProDuX: +31(0)79-3315963 28k8 24hr oR CoNTaCT a DiSTSiTe NeaR Ya!!! (c) KaoTiX / CMD'95 NiNTyNiNePoiNTNiNe!!!
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