HaRDCoRe ReSiSTaNCe.../KX. (kx_hrnce.s3m)
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·∙° KaoTiX °∙· °∙·CReaToRZ oF MuSiCaL·∙° ·∙°DiSaSTeRS°∙· BRiNG Ya: ■■·HaRDCoRe ReSiSTaNCe·■■ ■■■·■■■·■■■ iN My LaST G-FoRCe ReLeaSe i ToLD Ya i WouLD TaKe a oTHeR NaMe...WeLL... HeRe iS iT: KaoTiX. ReaD THe iNFoFiLe FoR THe ReaSoNS eTC. ■■■·■■■·■■■ THiZ TiMe'S GReeTZ Go 2: CaLiMeRo.SPLiNTeR.4-iCe. PoPe-X.CyCLoNe.BRaiN.ReST oF CMD.DeNiaX.aTReiDeS. SaGe.THuNDeRBaSS.RÆY.THe eXTRiCaToR.MeNTaL MaNiaC. CRi.DMa.XTC.Sa.COMPOSE. CRaVeN.TRauMa.VeN.PaRa. aLL GaBBeRS ouT THeRe. ■■■·■■■·■■■ CaLL C·M·D WHQ...NOW!!!: CyCLoNe BBS: +31(0)79-315963 28k8 CyCLoNe BBS II: +31(0)79-315283 14k4 oR CaLL PoPe-X 'S BooiLiNG GRaVe: +31(0)1806-64627 28k8 oR aNy oF ouR DiSTRo'S. ■■■·■■■·■■■ eRHMZ...JuST eNJoY THiS KeWL HaRDCoRe... MaZZeL!!! KaoTiX / CMD 1995 ■■■·■■■·■■■ ■■■·■·■■■ ■■■·■■■ K ■■■■■ X ■■■ ■ ·
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