ALL THE WAY JUNGLE (all_the_way_jungle.xm)
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THIS TUNE IS MADE BY FLIP MOW SQUAD ACCOMp. DJ B.O.B SAMpLEs WHeRe TAkEN FRom www.INdigo composed and finished at 22-05-1998 All THe WAY JUngle (C) (C) KILLA PROD. SPECIAL THANX PRODUCERS: FASTTRACKER 2.08 (C) www.INDIGO (C) NEWBEAT TRANSMISSION tm GREETINGS JUNGLE BROTHA's AN SISTA's THIS SONG CONTAINS VERY LOW SUB BASES TAKE SPECIAL CARE FOR IN-, AND OUTPUT. songlength -> 5:22 I took all 16bit samples out of the song. ......less harddisk... It's possible that the volume is very low sollution :turn up vol or decrease sampl- volume..... good luck~!!!__#$ ___________________ ______________________ ______________________ hihat.02 Break.smpsmp---------G K044.wav synth Superba2.smp Superbas.smp Ambien~8.wav Ambie~18.wav Chstrg3.wav Dbcrash1.wav Django.wav Jungle~1.wav K004.wav K011.wav K025.wav K028.wav K032.wav K033.wav Sample~3.wav Sample~4.wav Sample~5.wav Sampl~18.wav Scratc~1.wav Scratc~2.wav Snarer~1.wav Vsstrg1.wav Vinyls~1.wav
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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