Coming back (
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Posted by Saga Musix on Tue 10th Mar 2015, rated 6 / 10.
I'd love to give this a higher score, but there is an IMHO very very questionable dissonance repeating every four bars which simply destroys most of the tune for me. :\
I'd love to give this a higher score, but there is an IMHO very very questionable dissonance repeating every four bars which simply destroys most of the tune for me. :\
Internal Texts *
By Ekorren
"Coming back" By Ekorren Guitar sample from FearOfDark thanks Snare14 light hall Short weird hat Open hat2 (short) Soft crash Shamus (pick) Tomtom2 big normal Two steps piano high high Trumpet1 clean Sinus Productions untitled SlapBass Bassdrum2 (c)basehead/mental design sax 1 . han (cd) press shift-F9 Open hat st-01:shamus Brandon Long clean trumpet (noÿhe sin-440.wav
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Some noise in one of the samples ?
Nice, relaxing tune.