Mr. MIX 4 (mrmix4.s3m)
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By JACKO --------------------------- Mr. MIX 4 --------------------------- in ZarAGozA in --------------------------- INCLUYE LANDSCAPE ·LORD MYSTIC/Spanish Lords AMIGA RULES ·SANTO/Ozone MOD TAKONI DESTROY ·? DESERT MACRORREMIX ·MIKEL AGUIRRE 12th WARRIOR ·JACKO!!! STAR GATE ·LORD MYSTIC/Spanish Lords MAQUINA (Dame una cerveza) ·PRJMIX VIRTUAL TRANCE ·JORGE CARPIO --------------------------- time 6:15 date 9/10/1995 --------------------------- SaLuTaTiOnS PeOpLe!!! ___________________________ |\ /| T | \/ | ___ | | | H | | | | | | * E |\ /| ----- \ / | \/ | | \ / | | | * | | | / \ | | ----- / \ B Mixed by: /| / | E / | JACKO |___|_ S | | T ___________________________ Salutations: Maria Isabel, Skywalker, Danny, Chuss, JADE I.Soft. CIM, Lord Mystic, Wilbur, Samuel Fonseca y a muchos, muchos mas... Gretix: A todos los de ahi arriba, a toda la gente que se a puesto en contacto conmigo y a los que me nombran en sus modulos. Pst: B A Y ! ! !
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