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BYOND THE SUNSET "IT Virgin ReMix" Original Version from "HC_MAIN.MUS" on MUAP98/IV Total song time 00:03:46 Compose&ReMix BY KEEN This song is my first IT. As for me,I difficulity ImpulsTrackcer.Because I can't speak Engligh(^^; Now,I writing this message,And i have Japanese-English Dictionary on my you think this message grammer are correct? Hummmm.....(/_\) If you reprint this song data,contact one word to me. My mail adress InterNet mail NiftyServe :KFB02161 Zob Station BBS :zob12363 Tokyo BBS :K_N Super NONNON Station :NON00098 MOG NET :KEEN /*Samples source & My favorite Tools*/ *SoundCreater PSG software emulator.SE generator. It can use SIN,COS,RECT,TRI,SAW,and RONDOM,NOISE etc.. wave form.User are composing SE on 10 tracks. *Stomper If we have this,very very very Easy make 909 like drum sound.WONDERFUL!! *PC-9801 & 86BOARD *MUAP98/IV PC-9801 are japanese local & popler computer. 86BOARD are 4 Operater FM-Synthesizer board on internal PC-9801. And MUAP98/IV are DRIVER and MML_TRACKER for 86BOARD and conpatiblity.It have nice UI. *CoolEdit96 PCM data editing tool. *DR-606 BOSS's Rithm Macine. *SE Album CD "MusicCreater's SE". *Impuls Tracker NOW,you are using tool:-) *MikIT If i have'nt this,We have difficulity.
Name |Source ------------------------- HARP_K |Sound creater _19_H |86B&MUAP _19_M |86B&MUAP _91_W |86B&MUAP _91_S |86B&MUAP _150_COM |86B&MUAP _72_01 |86B&MUAP DORA |SE Library CD _124 |86B&MUAP _215 |86B&MUAP 808_CHH |DR-606 808_OHH |DR-606 808_CLP |Unknown(^_^; ------------------------- ------------------------- BYOND THE SUNSET IT Virgin ReMix Original Ver.from MUAP98 Total song time 00:03:46 Compose&ReMix BY KEEN ------------------------- If you reprint this song data,contact one word to me. Mail adress: internet mail NiftyServe KFB02161 ZOB Station BBS zob12363 Tokyo BBS K_N Super NONNON Station NON00098
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