Take Out the Trash (mallo_trash.mptm)
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The Good StuffSummary
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== WARNING! The track contains polish swear words. Please don't repeat any of them in public :P == An exceptionally good track :) It uses no instruments and no VSTs, yet sounds great! And I don't remember why it's in mptm and not it but whatever. Made a long time ago as of 1st Feb 2016... In June of 2015, most likely.
VEC3 Bassdrums Breakbeat VEC3 Snares 091 VEC3 Bassdrums Dirty 11 O KURWA! o ja pierdolê! Hoover - 12A Dbm pierdole to 1 co to *** jest co to *** jest?! pierdole to 2 TremeloStrg pierdolisz pierdolisz moj¹ kobiete - O KURWA! sin - 1A Abm
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