Conception (Melvyl) (
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\ /\------/\....../\______ . |\ CONCEPTION / \ / \ / \ \_______ /| | \ .----------. / __ \ / __ \ / __ \ \_______ o + - . / | |__\____________/__()__\/__/\__\/__||__\___________________\_|_|_|_|__/__| -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Composed and Tracked by Melvyl of HeLLVeN listen ----------------------------------------- in a relaxed, Made for the HeLLVeN Music Disk "Conception" -------------------------------------------- dreaming, loving or sad state of mind. Sadness.Despair.Dreams.Hopes.Tears.Philosophy. Earth.Nature.Love.Feelings.Peace.Silence.Sky. 11 minutes.. Water.Sun.Forest.Faith.Maturity.Beliefs.Ideas. Lassitude.Libido.Happiness.Boredom.Rage.Envy... .Conception. Use Page up and Page Down under IT to check the Song Messages easily. A Message ------------- Okay... I bet I will get a 3/10 at TraxinSpace because they will say that it is boring, that it stops, repetitive, blahblahblah... I bet the rater won't read the song message too... But I don't care, this is my music, my feelings, and if the listener won't like it, it won't make that change. But Raters... don't forget that a good melody and atmosphere have nothing to do with technic... I hope some people will like it out there... It was tracked with love... maybe not inspiration, but i think it turned out well. I'm really glad i made it. HeLLVeN Members ------------------- R2 - HeatSeekeR - Turbotoo - PsySal - Altima Zaril - Melvyl - Erdrick _____________________________________________________ | | | .o Conception Music Disk o. | | ------------------------------- | | | | Hosted by Melvyl | | | | | | Trackers : The Members of HeLLVeN | | | | Guest Trackers : Darkhalo, Solo and Glejs | | | | Release Date : 1st July 1999 | | | | | | | | | |_____________________________________________________| Be sure to check We'll often releases singles, and very good music disks Thoughts - Inspiration -------------------------- deepest love, hopes and good wishes go to Aude... even if i'll never be with her, even if she doesn't love me. she's my inspiration... my only source of positivity, of life. a forest where the sun is piercing throught the trees.. little streams of water... mild rain... and fresh thunder.. the soft noise of the warm wind caressing the leafs of the trees... and a loud thunder releasing all the tension... i can't remember if i was there... but she was... and there was no other human being... this is my conception of happiness.. the day when there will be no human anymore... i started a song about this ( 2nd conception song ) love sure is a beautiful thing... but too many people suffer... and too many people are careless.. it is time for the ultimate freedom.. and let mother earth and its nature have a peaceful rest Greetings - Salutations --------------------------- Daniel Dang Aude Gonthier Jose Afonso Tasha Marston Madjid Samah Liane McDonald Robert Kosinski and his love Kristina Fabrice Cantegrel and his love Adele Elder Prince Jessica Sousa Almeida Michael Burke Allyson Robert Estel Tara Scott Yan Lacoste Marie Robbie Vierra Kim Dahlbo All the kind trackers/peeps who joined and help HeLLVeN All #hellven #sstrax #vgfun and #traxinspace on Anyone I forgot.. forgive me. Contact ----------- Xavier Dang - Melvyl ICQ 7166969 Inspired Music.. This tune will be submitted to TiS Melvyl on IRC - Started in April - Finished 3rd June at 8:08AM 1999 ........................................................................... ..messages.. maturity is not being positive, getting success maturity is not trying to do the best for your life maturity is that state of mind that allows you to see what is deep, what is lame and how pathetic humanity can be nowadays maturity is not being pessimist or optimist maturity is being realist and philosophic about situations even in this pathetic world, i can still remember who i am, and what i like only my dreams make my life sometimes nice, because my reality is awful.. true sadness will open the eyes of the wise man and immaturity will grow bigger on the ignorant careless person.. humans are not worthy of earth, at least not enough of them.. realistic maturity makes you want to die... maybe i will die, i'll go very far away.. because i could only see the truth if reality makes me want to die... this reality must be terminated far in my dreams.. far in my thoughts.. i see love, i see you, i see heaven and i run into the sky.. my problems are gone and you love me, your face looking down.. cold shiny tears running down your face.. and a smell of rose around us.. if only it could happen, for us, and for them, the ones.. peace.. can it happen.. for you to tell me if it can happen.. do it.. cause i'm a victim of your cruelty we were all basically one.. and now we kill and insult each other take any of your actions with consideration love, share, live, support, understand, help, care.. or die.. this version is entering TraxinSpace's "Peace Competition"
jungle strings thunder rain tac sax piano press shift f9 for the song message conception by melvyl made for hellven harp choir waterlap white noise birds voice subtle accent sineā“bass closed hat open hat archangel archangel archangel isamu \ zaril \ leviathan --------------------== conception.melvyl.hellven released for the disk "conception" be sure to check the song message (shift+f9 in it) --------------------== / darkhalo / tssf chrono trigger darkhalo darkhalo darkhalo millions of thankyou's to the people who made the samples astrotek darkhalo unknown unknown unknown 1999... Xavier Dang this song is entering traxinspace's " p e a c e c o m p o " this competition was a great idea.. let's hope it'll help some people to realise.. press shift-f9 anyway please listen to this song in IT.. or modplug with loud volume 32-bit, interpolated
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Such a lovely track from the start which is very moody and is full of atmosphere.Most tracks that run for 10 mins plus seen to fail one way or an other,This track has a few good little sound bites through out like the piano that just pops in to the mix.Overall i did enjoy this very laid back track some of the sound fx like thunder or the birds tweeting or even just the water sound all play a part in bui;ding up this tune,As said tracks that run for 10 min plus always have a down side in that you will like this or not..sort of "new age" meets "ambient"