The Track (
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This module has been spotlit!
Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 6th Apr 2016
The Good StuffSummary
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TX81Z_WAV_Bass_4 TX81Z_WAV_Bass_4(dry) tubular mbox mbox(dk) BellMagic Pan Flute Pan Flute.loop(pad) Pan Flute.loop vipzone str(pad) str slwh slwh(pling) bee1 bee1.echo bee2 bee3 bee3.echo triangle flute square square(alt decay) square.echoloop square.echoloop(pad) square.echo square.echo2 keycz keycs.echo Gt1 Gt1(dk) Gt2 Gt2(dk) Gt2.echo 5ths popipo.1 popipo.2 popipo.3 YEAHH01 kick some ass kick2 kik009-HiFoot-36 Snr12-CmbPlate-38 Akai_XR10_crash1 Akai_XR10_crash1 hr16rs01.wav hr16rs01.wav hr16rs01.wav VEH1 FX - 59.wav VEH1 FX - 90.wav TX81Z_WAV_Bass_4 tubular mbox BellMagic Pan Flute Pan Flute.loop vipzone str slwh bee1 bee1.echo bee2 bee3 bee3.echo triangle flute square square.echoloop square.echo square.echo2 keycz keycs.echo Gt1 Gt2 Gt2.echo 5ths popipo.1 popipo.2 popipo.3 YEAHH01 kick some ass kick2 kik009-HiFoot-36 Snr12-CmbPlate-38 Akai_XR10_crash1 Akai_XR10_crash1 hr16rs01.wav hr16rs01.wav hr16rs01.wav VEH1 FX - 59.wav VEH1 FX - 90.wav
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
This one is just so happy! :)
Impressive tracking and composing skills also