Woody theme (woody2.it)
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Trumpet Vibrato trumpet Vibrato trumpet e Horns Horns e Orchestra TUBA3.WAV Flute Flute e STRVERB.WAV Multisampled strings BARITONE.WAV BASSOON2.WAV Timpani Snare CRASHES.WAV OBOE2.WAV Oboe Clock Tower Bells x FX Metal Pipe harp.wav clar clar/verb FX Matrix Printer FX Fork Scrape FX Thick Glass L FX Typewriter Paper Ba FX Typewriter Return Trumpet Vibrato trumpet Vibrato trumpet e Horns ntitled Orchestra TUBA3.WAV TUBA4.WAV Flute Flute e ntitled STRING1.WAV STRING2.WAV STRING3.WAV STRING4.WAV STRING5.WAV STRING6.WAV STRING7.WAV STRING8.WAV STRING9.WAV BARITONE.WAV BASSOON2.WAV Timpani Snare CRASHES.WAV ntitled Oboe C#4 Oboe F4 Oboe D5 Clock Tower Bells x FX Metal Pipe harp.wav clar clar/verb FX Matrix Printer FX Fork Scrape FX Thick Glass L FX Typewriter Paper Ba FX Typewriter Return
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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