Osprey in the Field (osprey.it)
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Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 7th Apr 2016
The Good StuffSummary
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piano Mixed Choir Arco Violins Arco Basses Arco Celli flute bell Harp multisample Orch Percussion Gong Timpani Trinity.MarchSnare Pizz Violas French Horns Victory Brass oboe Gran Casa ... death drum Low Steinway ArcoViolinG2-107 ArcoViolnC#3-101 ArcoViolnC#3-101 Arco Violins F3 Arco Violins F3 ArcoViolnA#3-147 ArcoViolnD#4-152 ArcoViolnG#4-106 Arco Violins C#5 Arco Basses D1 Arco Basses F#1 Arco Basses A#1 Arco Basses D2 Arco Basses F#2 Arco Basses A#2 Arco Basses D3 Arco Basses G3 Arco Celli D1 Arco Celli F#1 Arco Celli F#1 Arco Celli A#1 Arco Celli A#1 Arco Celli A#1 Arco Celli D2 Arco Celli D2 Arco Celli F#2 Arco Celli F#2 Arco Celli A#2 Arco Celli A#2 Arco Celli D3 Arco Celli D3 Arco Celli F#3 Arco Celli F#3 Arco Celli F#3 Bell 1 Snare Roll Triple Roll Triple Roll Bass Drum G#1 TimpDrum A1 Tam Tam Piatti F3 Temple Block E4 Triangle A#3 Triple Roll PizzViolasG1 -30 Pizz Violas C2 Pizz Violas G2 PizzViolasC3-17 PizzViolas G3-20 PizzViolas G3-20 PizzViolas G3-20 ntitled Victory Brass 1 Victory Brass 2 Victory Brass 3 Victory Brass 4 kit_bd.wav
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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