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■∙·══Heartbreak══──·─·· (hbreak.s3m)

Info Summary

  • hbreak.s3m is a S3M format module. Uncompressed, it is 249.24KB in size and has been downloaded 294 times since Tue 28th Dec 2004 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 178669
  • Downloads: 294
  • Favourited: 0 times
  • MD5: 7c209bfb0ddcc7bd5b7b61bd9aa60116
  • Format: S3M
  • Channels: 8
  • Uncompressed Size: 249.24KB
  • Genre: n/a

License License


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Info Internal Texts *

Tune'd Piano∙Jazzman∙MAz■
MAZ: RealStickTap
Ride Cymbal∙Necros■
Major Chord∙Timeless■
Minor Chord∙Timeless■
Bass Guitar∙Timeless■
MAZ: SmoothBass
■∙·S3M 8 Channels (5'21")∙■
■∙·32 Orders, 26 Patterns∙■
■∙·Finished Dec. 15th 1994■
■∙·ƒor the FIRST EvER DDt∙■
■∙·MUSiC DiSK∙XMAS 1994··∙■
■∙·Call CCBBS: 905-893-2604
■∙·═══AKA A. Crabtree═──∙·■
■∙· Well, this is a sad····
■∙· tune, and I was sad····
■∙· whilst I wrote it. Them
■∙· 's the breaks, or so···
■∙· I've been told. Well,··
■∙· much as I'd like to say
■∙· life sucks, I'm forced·
■∙· to tell the truth. It··
■∙· doesn't. Life is what··
■∙· you make it ... it may·
■∙· by mysterious at times,
■∙· or frightening, or it··
■∙· may just plain piss you
■∙· silly ...:) But in the·
■∙· ortant: having lived a·
■∙· end, what is more imp-·
■∙· good, decent, honest···
■∙· life, or having all the
■∙· answers? Never kid your
■∙· self into thinking you·
■∙· have all of those. Some
■∙· questions are just TOO·
■∙· big. I've found that···
■∙· purely through exper-··
■∙· ience, and it's not a··
■∙· lesson I've fully learn
■∙· ed yet. But only time··
■∙· shall tell. ■∙═════──∙·
■∙·                     ·∙■
Alana, Boni, Alex, Chris,·■
Jer, (I'm bloody well get-■
-ting bored with aliases:)■
■∙·        ·∙·          ·∙■
∙■∙·  .\\azurka-ites   ·∙■∙
■∙· bOb, TEG, Atlantic  ·∙■
∙■∙· Skeezix, Mayhem   ·∙■∙
■∙· D.S, Replay, Polar  ·∙■
∙■∙·   ·∙·PEACE·∙·     ·∙■∙
■∙·        ·∙·          ·∙■
∙∙■· Reptile,Stone,SDB ·■∙∙
·■∙∙ Core,Hyppy,Piotyr ∙∙■·
■∙∙· Email me at:··········
■· imagix_tcl.tor250.org··■
■· or andrew.crabtree_····■
■· canrem.com (CRS Online)■
■∙·∙■ (c) A.M.C. 1994 ■∙·∙■

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
