Black Arse (
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Black Arse ==========-- Composed by Assassin. Finished 1st of December 2000. This isn't very serious release.. I made this 2 minutes long tune in two days. It contains 3 different riffs.. wohoo! Anyway, I wanted to try can I make this kind of fast and aggressive black metal.. Thanks to Daoloth, Claymore, Betrayer and couple other sources for samples. Greets goes to: Daoarse, Clayarse, Nic the arse, Galarse, Pantarse, Khalarse, Mannisen Arse, Zombarse, Hakarse, Kosmarse, Bad-arse-voc, Gorjarse, Warse, Samoarse, Blue Arse, Razarse, Cadarse, and all other arses in metalscene and #metaltrax hihat tom 2 tom 3 tom 4 tom 5 tom 6 Rides Rbrll kick snare cl. hihat hihat crash1 crash2 basses from Claymore b2 b3 b4 Pwr_e-4.wav Hold on.. Redneck Rampage fart GTA1? Pwr_g#4.wav all guitars by Daoloth! Pwr_e-5.wav Spwr_e-4.wav Spwr_f-4.wav Spwr_f#4.wav Spwr_g-4.wav Spwr_g#4.wav Spwr_a-4.wav Spwr_a#4.wav Spwr_b-4.wav Spwr_c-5.wav Spwr_c#5.wav Spwr_d-5.wav Spwr_e-5.wav Spwr_f-5.wav Spwr_g#5.wav S_e-4.wav S_f#4.wav S_g-4.wav S_a-4.wav S_a#4.wav S_b-4.wav S_c-5.wav S_c#5.wav S_d-5.wav S_d#5.wav S_e-5.wav S_f-5.wav S_f#5.wav S_g-5.wav S_g#5.wav S_a-5.wav S_a#5.wav S_b-5.wav
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