B.F.M. (assassin_-_b_f_m.it)
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B. F. M. ---------- Composed by AssAssIn. Finished 12th August 2000. ---------- Well well.. This is my first black metal tune, if we don't count my joke-tune for Compo Now3. I usually don't even listen black at all.. And only bm songs I like are by Dissection or Dimmu Borgir. It took quite long time to finish this, becouse I couldn't track more than couple of hours in a row without getting a headache.. :) Again I would like to write lyrics and maybe do vocals, but I don't have that inspiration right now.. If someone else is willing to do it, you get my permission. Ok. "Enjoy" this "music". ----------- Samples: -------- Drums from Betrayer and Claymore. Bassguitar by Zack. Powerchords by Daoloth. Single fast1 by Daoloth. Single fast2 by Daoloth. Fast pwrchords by Daoloth Sharp strings by Claymore Sharp strings (faster) Sharp strings (HIT) -- - - - - - Greetz: ------- sir Galahad NiC - thou betrayer Daoloth, the Loth of Dao Gorjr Zack O. Hren AlwaysInTune-Claymore :) Annisen Mari - alias Ari Blue Shade Surrealisti-nisti Razor AeuK (1st greet! :) Warlord - burnburnburnbur Pantheon - Hey, I know U! Lifepower Khali Hakan and his productions Murhaq and -fuck Kosm of MetalTraxTop + everyone in #metaltrax + whole damn big and fucking lazy metal mod scene. - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ass In Ass: jkantonen_hotmail.com http://assassin.tsx.org --- --- --- --- Black Fuckin' Metal hihat tom 2 tom 3 tom 4 tom 5 tom 6 China Rides Ride cymbal 2 Rbrll kick snare closed hihat hihat/crash crash1 crash2 CRASH1.WAV hihat b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 Pwr_e-4.wav Pwr_f-4.wav Pwr_f#4.wav Pwr_g-4.wav Pwr_a-4.wav Pwr_a#4.wav Pwr_b-4.wav S_e-4.wav S_f-4.wav S_g-4.wav S_g#4.wav S_a-4.wav S_b-4.wav S_c-5.wav S_c#5.wav S_d-5.wav S_d#5.wav S_e-5.wav S_f-5.wav S_f#5.wav S_g-5.wav S_g#5.wav S_a#5.wav S_b-5.wav S_c-6.wav S_d-6.wav Spwr_e-4.wav Spwr_f-4.wav Spwr_f#4.wav Spwr_g-4.wav Spwr_g#4.wav Spwr_a-4.wav Spwr_a#4.wav Spwr_b-4.wav Spwr_c-5.wav Spwr_c#5.wav Spwr_d-5.wav Spwr_d#5.wav Spwr_e-5.wav Spwr_f-5.wav Spwr_f#5.wav NoName
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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