whiteguilt.xm (whiteguilt.xm)
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The Good StuffSummary
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Posted by And_rei on Sun 28th Aug 2016, rated 7 / 10.
It's not that bad. Actually it's smth between noise and industrial with distortion effect generously used. I would prefer more distinctive beats with dry kick drums tho. This track will suit any horror movie very well.
It's not that bad. Actually it's smth between noise and industrial with distortion effect generously used. I would prefer more distinctive beats with dry kick drums tho. This track will suit any horror movie very well.
Posted by NickF on Sat 27th Aug 2016, rated 1 / 10.
I'm not sure what this is, seems like some sort of experiment in "pattern animation," but sound-wise it's just the same ear-melting screeches repeated over and over again ad nauseum. Don't download.
I'm not sure what this is, seems like some sort of experiment in "pattern animation," but sound-wise it's just the same ear-melting screeches repeated over and over again ad nauseum. Don't download.
Internal Texts *
indusbass2.iff compresskick emusnars sweetbass deadmixr AnalogString.iff mtlclng whitenoise whitenoise
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
first off you didn't need a billion pattern calls you could have just used the loop effect. You distorted the samples to the point that they don't sound distinct, and even at times created a second redundant sample (there is no point in having a seperate overdriven sample of whitenoise! you might be able to tell a differance in the sound, but 99% of people can't) I would recomend watching some tutorials online about making proper samples for whatever you are attempting to create before you sit down and start composing.