Pearl Oblivion (
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Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 31st Oct 2016
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Posted by govatsapadam on Tue 31st Mar 2020, rated 10 / 10.
Now this is MUSIC. Chillout beautiful melodious track with awesome chords and brilliant piano, and even saxophones are there. The effect is soothing. Thank you Liam!
Now this is MUSIC. Chillout beautiful melodious track with awesome chords and brilliant piano, and even saxophones are there. The effect is soothing. Thank you Liam!
Posted by D-cat on Mon 8th Apr 2019, rated 10 / 10.
This is a beautiful piece to have on your sleep list or for a background ambience. I'm not even sure how you go about tracking something like this with such a natural feel, you could almost feel like it was live play.
Liam is a top-notch tracker and this is one of those professional grade tunes that highlights his ability.
This is a beautiful piece to have on your sleep list or for a background ambience. I'm not even sure how you go about tracking something like this with such a natural feel, you could almost feel like it was live play.
Liam is a top-notch tracker and this is one of those professional grade tunes that highlights his ability.
Internal Texts *
O----------------------------------------------------O | P e a r l O b l i v i o n | | by Liam the lemming [Kosmic / Three Brits / Twain] | O----------------------------------------------------O Inspired by a random burst of imagination. "Hmm, I'm bored with majors and minors. What happens if I do THIS combination of notes?" ;) Experimentation with notes brings a whole new set of chords to the fore. Listen to this tune. Analyze the chords in it. (Channels 1 thru 4, for the truly music-illiterate. No, actually, if you're that bad, don't bother.) Then try making up your own. (Like I said, if you're that bad, DON'T BOTHER. Please. :) ) I think they call it uh... "jazz". :) And the title? Well... It was originally "Heart Candy" but that title kinda sucked, so I racked my brains for something deep and soulful. And came up with "Pearl Oblivion". Doh. :) Ah well, it's a pretty good song. It *oozes* emotion. Just like Painting Rainbows did. I appear to have bested myself again. Perhaps I should save this for a real competition? ...naaaaaaah. =) Thanks in LARGE quantities go out to my mom =) for helping me with the "feel" of the piece. The sax I used originally sucked, and she pointed that out to me. Beek's sax samples were just the job to make it as realistic as possible. Thanks in just as large quantities to Beek for the sample. Realistic, easy to loop, peachy. =) I can see myself using them quite a lot in the future. Greets must also go out to EagleFalcon, cos I may have given up on it without his encouragement. The samples, the feel - the whole thing, it seems - were spot on. Perhaps I should rewrite this with better samples after Cruelization 9. Greets in general, of coz, to Argh, Bal, Ozone, Astrid, Kneebiter, Cruel Creator and all the fewlz from #trax that I've forgotten. Werd to you all. :) Let me know what you think of the idea in your vote comments. Like I keep saying, I value your feedback. =) Lemm
CC +--------------------+ CC |You wanna play this| CC |in CUBIC, huh?...| CC | | CC | wanna live to| CC |see Cruelization 10?| CC | | CC |Then you DON'T wanna| CC |use Cubic. Right? :)| CC +--------------------+ Kosmic.analog.sample.set SoundWave SoundWave Beek ?unknown korg.fx 1 korg.fx 2 korg.synth bass proteus.snare proteus.closed hihat hihat proteus.crash.reverse+cut roland.piano laxity.finger bass proteus.electric organ kosmic.analog.sample soundwave.woodblock soundwave.bassdrum Alto-Sax-6.WAV snare +---------------+ | P e a r l | |O b l i v i o n| +---------------+ by Liam the lemming [ThreeBrits+Kosmic+Twain] The last five samples are the ones I chose. All the others were ruthlessly forced upon me so if the organ sounds crap, don't blame me. ;) Lemm +---------------------+ -+ Cruelization nInE +- +---------------------+ Shift-F9 -> Chat/greets F4 -> Samplecredits
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Excellent Jazz tune by Liam! I find it funny how arrogant he sounds in the internal texts, but it's not really that bad of a song, great listen.