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KEEN NOSTALGY (keennost.mod)

Info Summary

  • keennost.mod is a MOD format module. Uncompressed, it is 202.69KB in size and has been downloaded 542 times since Tue 1st Nov 2016 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 179130
  • Downloads: 542
  • Favourited: 1 times
  • MD5: fc57f99d0dee3dc739733fbe2998e23e
  • Format: MOD
  • Channels: 8
  • Uncompressed Size: 202.69KB
  • Genre: Video Game

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comments Artist's Comments

artist Commander Keen,… en 1996, impossible que personne ne s’en souviennent.. et même maintenant ! Pour moi, Keen Commander, c’est LE HIT de ID Software, bien plus amusant que Doom et la 7° compagnie ! J’avais découvert les premiers épisodes sur PC via Julien Stassart et Alain Gillon, et je me suis acheté le 4° et meilleur épisode : Goodbye Galaxy, avec mon Joypad Gravis… A l’époque, en 1992, c’était un jeu extraordinaire, probablement le meilleur jeu de plate-forme sur PC MS-DOS…. En 1996, j’y jouais toujours, actuellement il m’arrive de le ressortir, et franchement je rève d’une fidèle adaptation sur le Store PS3.

Ici, je me suis repris quelques thèmes des musiques originales de Bobby Prince, dans un style un amiga funky, sur base du module Mr Keel Theme.

Aufait, en 1996, notre PPP Team Software avait un jeu sous Game Make ou Xeen, le fils de Keen devait reparcourir la Galaxy. 256 couleurs et musique adlib… D’ailleurs, il était en libre de distrubition à la Maison des Loisirs de Seraing.

Commander Keen, in 1996, it was impossible that no one remember it… also now ! For me, it was THE HIT of ID Software, realy more fun that Doom. I discovered the first episodes on PC with Julien Stassart and Alain Gillon, then i’ve bought the 4th and best one called : Goodbye Galaxy with my Gravis Joypad. In 1992, it was probably the best games in that category on PC MS-DOS, still in 1996 i often played it, and now, i sometime re-install it… and hardly waitin’ an adaptation on the PS3 store.

I re-arranged there some musical theme from Bobby Prince in a funky amiga style around the Mr Keel Theme samples.

So, do you known that in 1996, our PPP Team Software realised a Game Maker version of Xeen Commander, who’s son of Billy, the hero of Keen Commander. - cyborg jeff

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Info Internal Texts *

CReaTiVe SouND STuDio
made the 06-01-96
by Mc Piet...
Who can't remember
The hit from ID
Software:Keen Commande
4:Goodbye Galaxy...
i bought it with
my gamepad and it's
a realy good game
(at the time 92)
...Again now i
play it ...
!!!Hey Do you know
PPP Team Software
had made a game
with Keen ...ohh
sory his soon XeeN
with 256 color Vga
Sound blaster sound
and adlib music...
it's nice i try it
if you wont try it too
it'll be at the
from Seraing
and if you would write
me .... 45 Rue Edison
4100 Seraing...

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
