Supercell - HU (hyperunknown_-_2011_supercell.xm)
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"Supercell" by hyperunknown made for the Birdie21 tracker music compo June 4:th 2011 This is the first XM I've produced in exactly 10 years to the month! I've switched to Renoise but this competition is MOD/XM/S3M only, so.. Quite the nostalgic feeling sitting at Birdie again, was here last in 1996, at Birdie #5. This is #21 so I've missed out on a lot,to say the least Greetings-list!: Ambersky,Isthmusgrove Z3L3zT, Tigersoul Hyperextorsion and also CrashManEXE on youtube for keeping the scene alive with module uploads! Omnisphere accs 01 Omnisphere accs 02 Omnisphere accs 03 Omnisphere accs 04 Omnisphere accs 05 bassdrum cymbal hihat long hihat short Blue: Overtone Lead Vanguard: SuperPulse Hypersonic: Dark Lowb. Vanguard: Psyt.Bass Blue: Sunshine Blue: MeTuner Lead 1 Effect: windy misery depravity confusion hatred mistrust chaos hallmarks pillars Akoustik Piano Renegade: Kyberia chip instrument 1 C chip instrument 1 L chip instrument 1 R chip instrument main chip instrument main cymbal reverse Contact: "hyperunknown" on these pages: + wind Accs-01.wav hyperunknown .net Accs-02.wav hyperunknown .net Accs-03.wav hyperunknown .net Accs-04.wav hyperunknown .net Accs-05.wav hyperunknown .net Bd-02.wav hyperunknown .net Cymbal.wav hyperunknown .net Hhlong.wav hyperunknown .net Hhshort.wav hyperunknown .net Diststrg.wav hyperunknown .net Lowbas~1.wav Lowbass.wav hyperunknown .net Psytbass.wav hyperunknown .net Mellowst.wav hyperunknown .net Diststr2.wav hyperunknown .net www. hyperunknown .net 1misery.wav 2depravi.wav 3confusi.wav 4hatred.wav 5mistrus.wav 6chaos.wav 7hallmar.wav 8pillars.wav www. hyperunknown .net www. hyperunknown .net www. hyperunknown .net www. hyperunknown .net www. hyperunknown .net www. hyperunknown .net www. hyperunknown .net Cymbal.wav hyperunknown .net
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