THE NIGHT OF THE TIME (cyborg_jeff_-_night.s3m)
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CREATIVE SOUND STUDIO PRESENT "THE NIGHT OF THE TIME" MADE BY Mc PIET INSPARED FROM THE BOOK I READ FROM BARJAVEL... --------------------------- PRODUCED BY AlIEN From Seraing Hello to Parmy Thierry JeD Pypein V-Drums Pierrick Salvi Pascal XALOPE ...
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Artist's Comments
Personnelement je n’ai jamais aimé lire de roman, et durant toutes mes études secondaires cela fut un vrai calvaire. Puis comme roman phare de Science Fiction, on nous a donné La Nuit des Temps. J’ai adoré ce livre ! Je l’ai d’ailleurs plusieurs fois, c’est le seul qui a eu droit à ce privilège. Je rêve d’ailleurs qu’un jour il soit adapté au cinéma de manière aussi fidèle que ce que mon esprit a pu imaginer…
Dédicace du jour : Laurent ‘Parmy’ Mazzapicchi, Thierry Dubois, Jean-Denis ‘JedD’ Magis, Pype, Vivien ‘V-Drums’ Vanoirbeek, Pierrick Hansen, Salvator Canicatti, Pascal Deiting et Xavier ‘Xalope’ Van Hoorick.
Remember, few days ago i told you that the song Paradise Destruction was probably inspirated from my reading book : La nuit des temps from Barjavel. Here is clearly inspirated from, as the title of the song is just an english translation. This is a metal shoot’m up song with different parts as i like to do.
I don’t like reading books and novels. during my school year i have lot of problem cause i’ve never read books i should read. But one day, to discover science-fiction, my teacher propose us that book. And then now, i love it. i have read many times… that’s the only one book i’ve read more than one time and know i’m dreaming of one day, someone adapt it on a movie… - cyborg jeff