C In China (MODMIX 96) PIET (cinchina.s3m)
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Creative Sound Studio PRESENT "C IN CHINA (MODMIX 96)" sampled and rearranged by Cyborg Jeff (PIET). sampled from my vinyl of Confetti's (1988) an original production of Peter Vanderhallen. i use too some sample token from the album of Confetti's: Basic Theme,Sound of C.. Thanks to V-Drum for it. --------------------------- Do you remember the new beat's time.... --------------------------- Hello to:Pierrick-Parmy DJ Dub-Bruno-Pascal-Ludo Deedee-Naguy-... --------------------------- This version is produced by AlIEn 4100 the 3-05-96
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Artist's Comments
Mais le plus grand représentant de la New Beat fut sans conteste Peter Vanderhallen, dit “le géant”, leader du groupe Confetti’s (tiré du dancing du même nom). Le premier morceau fut The Sound of C en 1988, rapidement suivi de C in China, … l’un des premiers vinyl de ma collection.
Près de 10 ans plus tard, il m’est venu l’envie de tenter une reconversion de ce 45 tours au format Sound Tracker, me lançant donc dans le sampling de quelques sons issus de ce tube,.. .ainsi que de Basic Theme ou The Sound of C, pretté par mon ami Vivien Vanoirbeek.
Actuellement je rêve toujours d’un retour du groupe Confetti’s,… voir de moi même le faire revivre !
… Tiens vous remarquer le petit hommage à Hergé, Les dupont dupond… Bref Tintin et le lotus bleu…
Dédicace de l’époque à : Pierrick Hansen, Parmy (Laurent Mazzapicchi), DJ Dub (Christophe Deblire), Bruno Devalkeneer, Pascal Defossa, Ludovic Remacle, Deedee (Ferdinant Christiaens et Naguy (Christophe Wagner).
So well, you should remain the New Beat time ? Here in Belgium, New Beat (always called House Music) was the electronic music period just before Techno in the end of the eighties. Lot of local artist wrote their new beat title as Le Grand Jojo… but also politician with “V.D.B.”…
Anyway the greatest artist was Peter Vanderhallen, leader of the Confetti’s band. The first song called The Sound of C was written in 1988, quickly followed by the song C in China… between my first LPs.
Close to 10 years later, i had the idea to reconvert my vinyl to Sound Tracker Format so i began to samples somes sounds of that hit… and also from Basic Theme and The Sound of C, from the album borrowed by my friend Vivien.
Right now, i still dreaming of a Confetti’s come back… or may be rework that songs… - cyborg jeff