INDICE 1 (LONG MIX) (indice1.s3m)
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Creative Sound Studio PRESENT a new trance music. i've named it "INDICE 1" but i've ever heard it at school on the K7 of the Real.I though it's good that's why i remade it in mod for me and my friend Cedric. it's a realy long version sxuse me. Tracked and remixed by Cyborg Jeff (piet) the 16-09-96. ---------------------------
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Artist's Comments
Ce jour là, il nous avait amené un K7 enregistré du Real (le Dancing), avec un morceau qui marchait du tonnerre que j’ai alors commencé à écouter, écouter et encore écouter. Mais Ced ne savait rien de ce morceau, son titre, le nom du groupe… Mais il nous avait conquis. Une fois rentré à la maison, je me lançais donc à tenter d’écrire les souvenirs que j’en avais… il y a donc quelques différences avec la version originale de … l’avez vous reconnu ?? Il s’agit bien sur du premier gros tube Trance : B.B.E. – Seven days and one week.
Si Robert Miles et son Children m’auront inspiré plusieurs mois de très nombreuses compositions, il en sera de même pour ce titre qui m’inspirera une “génération” de module jusqu’au moins le printemps 97 !
Le titre s’appellera donc Indice numero 1… en attente d’en trouver plus ????
Now in last year, we had access to a special room at scool with some sofas, place to play cards and an old Hi-Fi K7 audio installation. There was enough for me to flood of Cyborg Jeff’s music !! Anyway, I sometimes left my place to my friend Cédric Vanrutten that often have some intersting music to let me discover !
That day, he brought a K7 recorded to the Dancing : Real. There was a song that will be a hit and the we listen and listen to that song. Ced didn’t know more about the title or the group of that music… But we liked it ! So, back at home, i tryed to rewrite, what i remember… There is some difference between my song and the original… Did you recognise it ? The first Trance hit : B.B.E. – Seven days and one week.
If Robert Miles and his song Children have inspirated me during a long part of the year 1996, this new song will be the main inspiration of a new generation of songs during the forcoming 6 months !
So i titled this song : Indice number 1 .. as i needed more to know what song i’ve try to remix. - cyborg jeff