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TOKYO IS BURNING (tokyo1.xm)

Info Summary

  • tokyo1.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 1.17MB in size and has been downloaded 653 times since Thu 3rd Nov 2016 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 179240
  • Downloads: 653
  • Favourited: 0 times
  • MD5: b3932bf189f7a97a124acd050c3184f0
  • Format: XM
  • Channels: 8
  • Uncompressed Size: 1.17MB
  • Genre: Electronic - House

License License

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comments Artist's Comments

artist Qu’avais-je mangé ce matin là pour en arriver à composer ce morceau… J’avais plus probablement un peu abusé de mon vinyl de C in China… c’est plus que probable ma pas suffisant ! Déjà, j’avais sorti mon micro tout pourri et choisi de travailler avec Fast Tracker II… Depuis l’arrivée de notre Pentium 120 et de ces 8mo de mémoire, je pouvais me permettre de m’enregistrer pour personnaliser un peu plus mes morceaux… Bref, me voilà dans un délire Techno d’attaque du Japon par les américain… Si vous ne comprenez rien à ce que je raconte… en voici la retranscription… et surtout ce que je voulais dire (mon anglais était plus que limite à l’époque…)

Mayday Mayday US army arrives, if you want to save Tokyo, contact our friends please
— bruit d’avion qui lache une bombe… à la bouche ???? —
Tokyo is burning
Bill Clinton saids : Tokyo is now burning, our aircraft can’t be anonthing to destroy it

What did i eat those morning ? I probably listen too much to my vinyl of C in China… but that’s not enough… I had brough back my huge microphone and dicided to work with Fast Tracker II. With the new computer Pentium 120 and his 8mo of memory i liked recorded my voice to more personnalise my songs. So here is a delirium techno songs about an american attack in Japan. You probably not easely understood what i said… and my english was realy realy bad at that time… - cyborg jeff

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Info Internal Texts *

Creative Sound Studio
mèid bail Cailbork Jéf
Ze Best Trakmèn of ze
vrorld if you si mail
dir vrint..kan you saf
of esse pliz or wi dai
prodiousse bail Viroua
Miouzic wan henndrouid
nailntine nailnti sixe

Creative Sound Studio
mèid bail Cailbork Jéf
vrorld if you si mail
dir vrint..kan you saf
of esse pliz or wi dai
prodiousse bail Viroua
Miouzic wan henndrouid

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
