untitled (ctrix_-_zizzle-sb.mod)
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Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 10th Nov 2016
The Good StuffSummary
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XF_MoogPerc_52 XF_MoogPerc_52 BD2 SN3wav.wav zizzle3.wav click.wav cym16.wav BF-PianoWave.wav clap2.wav beat-cymb.wav LT_std.wav CH_std.wav beat3.wav choir2.wav echo.wav volume.wav crsh1.wav
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This is a somewhat trimmed down version of other music of ctrix... it's basically for those that don't like or think his other tracks are too massive.
So if you are a granny and looking for something more soft and tuned down and relaxed this might be it...
However be warned as always it has some weird beepings/progression near the middle and end of this track... which is kinda funny. Even some female weird "aaahhhh" which is slightly entertaining.