"Starlight" Remix (fzmx-starlight_remix.xm)
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____________________ / "Starlight Remix" \ | | | Original by: | |Nightbeat & Digital | | Disaster | | (1996) | \____________________/ This XM module is part of my upcoming line-up of dance remixes. Hope you enjoy! ____________________ / Re(de)fineDance: \ | Track 4 | | | | Song Length: 5m | | Song BPM: 146BPM | | Song Speed: 6 | \____________________/ Although this track is comparatively more simple than the last one, I feel that it carries a meaning: Life is not always a joyful world, but rather it ignores the hurt us humans inflict among ourselves. Oh, and also... M.E.R.R.Y C.H.R.I.S.T.M.A.S 25/12/16 (DD/MM/YY) -Fuzion_Mixer HISTRING TRANCETU.159 GUITAR1.291 MIXPIANO.692 DISPOSAB.239 DERPLINK.958 INSTRPIA.1 CYMBAL.11 MR.098 MBASSSYN.294 BLIPP 018.018 COMP.858 VOODOO4 X201222X.954 X356370X.954 X106867X.954 X270097X.954 X856949X.954 X570779X.954 X788399X.954 X808327X.954 X634411X.954 PLE.103 RA.479 TA.216 D.182 FREEBASS.DP3 SPACEBY.SMP MILESCH1.SMP WERD OME.322
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This really doesn't really add anything new to Nightbeat's original excellent track (Digital Disaster is not a co-author but his group, by the way). Some melodies seem to have been slightly altered, but what for? Some of the changes sound a lot less imaginative than the original melodies.
As far as I understand the goal of this remix was also to increase the overall fidelity with a better stereo panorama, but then why don't you also use better samples? Sample 8 has been completely overused for the last 25+ years in tracked music and it's not even good. Using less overused, higher-quality samples certainly would have helped here. In particular multisampled pianos and guitars would have been the way to go.