I want to thank you (iwanttothankyou.mptm)
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I want to thank you (ft. Shamoozey) _______________________________________________ Composed by Monsterovich Monsterovich_gmail.com 22.04.2017 _______________________________________________ Lyrics: Gracias amigo, my friend. Gracias amigo, till the end. I love you, my friend till the end. Gracias amigo. Gracias amigo. Gracias amigo. How does it feel?
guitar dramaticpiano dh_perc_shake_subdued 360448__jordir__sea-breez vocals vocals vocals (STR) Strings dh_kick_sub_dust Steinway D vocals vocals (STR) Violin dh_snr_hi_jamaica ech_hat_fun909open STR_SymStr A3 -R STR_SymStrHiD4-R STR_SymStrHiF#-R STR_SymStrHiA4-R STR_SymStrHiC#-R STR_SymStrHiE5-R STR_SymStrHiG5-R STR_SymStrHiA5-R STR_SymStrHi C-R SteinwayD m C3(L) SteinwayD m D3(L) SteinwayD m E3(L) SteinwayD m F#3(L) SteinwayD m G#3(L) SteinwayD m A#3(L) SteinwayD m C4(L) SteinwayD m D4(L) SteinwayD m E4(L) SteinwayD m F#4(L) SteinwayD m G#4(L) SteinwayD m A#4(L) untitled GAGLI SOLO G3 GAGLI SOLO A#3 GAGLI SOLO C4 GAGLI SOLO F#4
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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