Hoggy (hoggy_2.mo3)
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Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 23rd May 2017
The Good StuffSummary
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Hoggy 2 music suite retrofitted & composed by Peter Hajba
DR.909-Kick2 DR.909-Sn1 DR.Sn.Beauty DR.909-HH1-Closed DR.909HH-Open DR.909HH-Closed2 Sawbass.short Sawbass.Sus BriteLead ChorusBass BriteLead.Dist AiryPad.soft Spectral DR.Beauty.Sn.LongRv DR.Rimshot DR.Block DR.Bongo DR.Conga DR.CongaHi DR.SynTom DR.Claps Arp.2 Arp.1 DigDug SoftLead Arp.3 ChorusBass.C Arp.4 Arp.5 DR.SoftSnare AiryPad.softer ChorusBass.sweep BriteLead.Flanged AiryPad.Flanged WinkyLead Trill.Maj Trill.Min Trill.5th DR.Claps.short DR.Tom DR.909-Sn2.short WonkyLead Wind Saw22Pad SoftLead.pad DigDug.sus Sawbass.Rez DR.909-HH1-Shaker SineSusSoft SquareEcho DR.909-Kick.soft SineArp.01 SquareEcho.arp Saw22Arp AiryPad.Atk SquareEcho.Oct SquareEcho.arp SoftShort.Saw DR.808-VibroKick HrmlsBass HrmChorusBass ChiffSolo Chiff5th Pluck01 Pluck02 Pluck03 SquareMajor SquareMinor SquareMajor.Hit SquareMinor.Hit Pluck01.tril DR.Shaker Square5th Square5th.Hit Pluck03.trill DoubleSineArp.01 ChiffSolo.soft Pluck02.trill DR.Sn.HiAmbi SquareEcho.LP.sus DoubleSinePad DR.909HH-Open.long Sawbass.sus2 DR.HH.Tamb Square5th.sweep DR.909-Kick2.Soft pogo_kick snare_basic snare_kick hat_closed1 909hh-open 909HH-Closed2 SawBass_01 SpaceLifeHold01-cut BriteLead ChorusBass RimShot.Reverb Block Bongo Conga CongaHi SynTom Clap Tom SineWithHarms SquarePreFilt01 Saw220 808-vibrokick-03 HrmBass ChorusBass Chiff-mono Chiff-5th pluck_01 pluck_02 pluck_03 DoubleSine02 SquareMajor-cln SquareMinor-cln DoubleSine02 DR_Shaker01 Square5th DR.Sn.Hi-ambi tambourine_revb
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The shorter tracks are lovely, the longer ones amazing. The production (and composing) quality is just astonishing.