Drax - The Snowman (drax.s3m)
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The Beatfreaxx R DEAD !!!!! Due 2 an internal conlict the 3 creators ended the cooperation, they were: Mental Maniac (CMD), The Snowman (CMD) & Trasher Out of the ashes rise 4 new projects, these are: - C.O.M.A.: Confederation Of Music Abusers, members R: - Mental Maniac & - The Snowman - Cold Hardcore, members R: - The Iceman & - The Snowman - Mental Maniac - The Snowman ___________________________ PROJECT 4: THE SNOWMAN ___________________________ Welcome 2 The Dungeons of D R A X ___________________________ I felt like making some space core, but I couldn't do it without some excellent samples ripped from some old mods, but he! don't we all rip from mods! Greetinx 2: Mental Maniac, Dark Mind, Brainrave, The Rival, Gijs, Eddy, Just, The Iceman, The Bazeman, Pietertje, P.J., The Wicked Jungler, Cyclone, Splinter, Michel V. Vliet, Gert Voogd ___________________________ Don't forget 2 call CYCLONE BBS 079-315963, 4 more.....
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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