Snowing Windows 7 (
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Posted by inactivee on Tue 6th Mar 2018, rated 8 / 10.
I find it very interesting you used Windows 7 sounds to make this composition, reminds me of a similar thing done a while back with Windows 98 and XP sounds.
I find it very interesting you used Windows 7 sounds to make this composition, reminds me of a similar thing done a while back with Windows 98 and XP sounds.
Your Reviews
Internal Texts *
Snowing Windows 7 Made by: Helguli Finished: 2018.01.20. ------------------------------ Inspired by Windows 7 sounds Samples downloaded from: ------------------------------ Greetings! :) This tack has no deep meaning. It was just fun to make.
tada Ding Default Click Balloon Recycle Error Low Battery Logon ShutDown tada Windows Ding Windows Default Windows Navigation Start Windows Balloon Windows Recycle Windows Critical Stop Windows Battery Low Windows Logon Sound Windows Shutdown
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Samples from Microsoft Windows 7 can be used instead of Normal Instruments, The art of music is just like some sort of Exotic Thing. Good arrangements of that when he needs genius technique.