Little Bitch - Brain (
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,.] Little Bitch [,. Tracked By Brain On : 15/07/1997 Copyright Notice ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ All Speech Samples Except Sample 9 Came From The Movie : "The Prophecy" Sample 9 Was Taken From Cenobite-5 "The Crypt" Play this baby with the following settings : Chorus : 00 Reverb : 25 ofcouz on an AWE 32+ With 2mb+ memory on board .,] Greetings [,. Asgorath,Freax,Bitface,Bug,Syntax Terror,Dj Waldo,Dweazle,Oxyz,Trademarc, Noze,Psycho,The Ringlord,Stime,The Chronic,Dutch,Dj Purno,Night Watch, Raven,Squell,Elemental,Eelcapone,Lucifer,Cornucopia,Coroner,Pino,Gmc, Venom,Skizmo,Raysoft,Sorcerer,Snowman,Cat,Ladyhawke,Darkhunter,Rambi, Moriarty,Bad Boy,Crasher and to YOU! Visit Our WWW Page On The Internet : And Leave A Comment At : ________________________________________________________________________ " Down on your knees! " " I can make this last forever! " ________________________________________________________________________ I'm not here to help you and the little bitch because I love you or because I care for you, but because two hells is one hell to many and I can't have that ________________________________________________________________________ Playtime : 3min 26sec Anyone who copies our music,samples,ideas or whatever will get HUGE dental problems. Brain^Sa
_________________________ Br.Sy.Awe64.Wrede.Cutoff Br.Cl.Rip!.Dark.Echo Br.Hh.Rip!.Favorite Br.Bs.Sampl.Tellurian Br.Sp.Sampl.Little.Bitch Br.Sp.Sampl.Last.4Ever Br.Sp.Sampl.Scream! Br.Cr.Sampl.NormCrash Br.Sp.Sampl.Down.Knies Br.Sn.Sampl.808.Snare Br.Sy.Awe64.Slaves Nw.Bs.Sampl.Tellurian.Rev _________________________ AWE POWER! Anyone who copies our ideas,samples,music, whatever, will get huge dental problem
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