CoPKiLLaH TD!^Te (
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THe DaNe SayS: "aBouT BeiNG a CoPKiLLaH...THaT WaS JuST a JoKe, oK? oH, aND KiDS: DoN'T TRy iT aT HoMe..." ___ FoR MoRe oF My MuSiC/iNFo aND MoRe:). "iLLeGaL JuSTiCe" FoR MoRe MoRe MoRe CeWL MuSiC. "ToTaL eCLiPSe" ___ aNyBoDy GoT SoMe BoNZai ReCoRDS FoR SaLe (oR CoPy?) CoNTaCT Me...i *NeeD* THeM...aaaaaRGH... eSPeCiaLLy "BeLGiuM JuMP - DReaM youR DReaM" aND oFCouRSe THe uSuaL STuPH...LeT Me KNoW oK? ___ - GReeTo TiMe: - aLL iN ToTaL eCLiPSe, eVeRy1 iN Da SCeNe i uSuaLLy GReeT DMS, BaSe-T, HuRKo, CouNTDoWN, ToMBa, CLeVy, PiNo JMK, DJ FLaTMaN, FRaNKie, TaZZ, MiNDBLiZZaRD, JuNGLiZT DJ DeViCe, BiTFaCe, BRaiN, MaRCo V, NaTaRCia, BeRRy, XoR oRa, MaRieKe, NaNCy, MoNiQue, THe PooR SuCKaZ i FoRGoT aND *you* - SPeCiaL Hi'S & Ho'S To: - THoSe GuyS aT BMP > CoMPo 2 RuLeZ:) (No SuCKiN' uP) ReTaLiaToR > FoR CRyiN' ouT LouD...ReLeaSe!!! (MF) eN DaN GeeN BaGGeR, MaaR GaBBeR!!! ___ MaZZoL'98
breakbeat breakbeat/backwards vette beat vette beat/backwards hihat.closed raveclap voice.imacopkillah cymbal snaredrum voice.menace2society sweep.stormy sweep.stormy/backwards hardcoresound.filter(1) hardcoresound.filter(2) hardcoresound.filter(3) hardcoresound.filter(4) hardcoresound.original voice.noyoulistentome... NoTe: HaRDCoReSouND.oRiGiNaL iS (C) PReDaToR (SaMPLED By BiTFaCe), THe VaRiouS FiLTeRS aRe MiNe... FoR oTHa CReDiTS, CHeCK SaMPLeNaMeS...oK! ..oO yieHaaaa Oo.. THe DaNe ^ ToTaL eCLiPSe oNCe aGaiN WiTH a CooL RuFFNeCK iNFLueNCeD? QuaLiTy HaRDCoRe TRaCK! So,HeRe'S SuM NFo PLay TiMe : 4.09 MiNZ DaTe : 24-1-98 SPeeD : 186 FiLeSiZe : 773 KB MiSC. : THiS TRaCK CoMPeTeS iN *BMP CoMPo 2* aND MiDi SuPPoRT!!! _________________________ iNSPiRaTioN FoR THiS TRaCK CaMe FRoM SoMe $&#**^' CoP THaT GaVe Me SoMe STuPiD PaRKiNG TiCKeT LaST WeeK;( LaMeRS...HaVeN'T THey GoT aNyTHiNG BeTTeR To Do THaN WRiTiNG TiCKeTS iN THe MiDDLe oF THe NiGHT Nou? iK DaCHT HeT WeL!! MaaR Nee HooR:( _________________________ MiDi SuPPoRT!!! iF ya GoT a PC WiTH MMX aND a SB16 oR BeTTeR, you Can LiSTeN 2 THiS TRaCK THe Way iT WaS MeaNT To Beee:) WiTH CooL CuT-oFF aND ReSoNaNCe FiLTeRS!! yieHaaa!!!!!!! MaKe SuRe you GoT THe LaST (PatCHeD) VeRSioN oF iMPuLSe TRaCKeR BooT THiS PRoGGy WiTH iT /SiTSB16.MMX oR aNy oTHeR aPPRoPRiaTe MMX DRiVeR...aND SeT MiX- iNG MoDe To MMX, FiLTeReD i'Ve MaDe SeVeRaL FiLTeRS oF THe HaRDCoRe SouND SaMPLeS (14-17) FoR THoSe PooR SuCKaZ THaT DoN'T HaVe aNy oF aBoVe.."To CaTCH THe SPiRiT", SHaLL We Say:) _________________________ Hey,LiKe My TRaCK(S)? LeT Me KNoW, oK? iS GooD FoR My MoTiVaTioN eMaiL: THeDaNe_DSe.NL SNaiLMaiL: THe DaNe WaTeRPooRT 36 5662 VL GeLDRoP HoLLaND CoMMeNTS,iDeaS, SaMPLeS GiRL-FRieNDS eTC. aRe aLWayS WeLCoMe:) _________________________ oH BTW, KiCK SHiFT-F9 FoR SuM CRaP, SHiFT-F5 FoR SuM SouNDCoNTRoL aLL RiGHTS ReSeRVeD (C) 1998 THe DaNe^ToTaL eCLiPSe _________________________ Cya aT aMBiaNCe'98 iN VeNLo-HoLLaND! PTT: "RouWKaaRTeN aaN HeT LoKeT aFGeVeN auB."
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