"sWeep sUm MiNd" (cl-ssm.xm)
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"sWeep sUm MiNd" (c) iNZaner/ClubLantiC 6m46sec ..CYbErCluB.. <<>=---===---=<>> -=>..fast.grEEtz.>> StormLord, EggBirD, ALBi, SyntheticRebirth ,Josuf, Menace, Mirage ,Optic, DJ-UniquE, Hybris, Masakado, Deepflow, Dupont, Maverick, Spinner, -=> Aware, Sonic, Dynamix Shaman, SoulDestroyer , .. 'n more trippers, All on #TRAX, SKYNET ,all diE-hArdKlubberz, 'NwhoeverLike'Nkeepz 'NspreaD CL-traX !! -=> -=> thiz trAck speedZ at 183 BPM & uses 50 Instr. 4A CyberPsyco- delic, hArdTribaLCLuB, Industrial,ToxicalAcid ,transcending triPpeR! ..CYberCLuB stYle.. ..sWeep sUm MiNd!! -=> <email> inzaner_interways.com <cybersite> http://interways.com/ clublantic ftp://skynet.stack.nl/ pub/music/clublantic -=> <final touch> 11-mar-98",01:55am <cl-ssm.xm filesize> 2550220 bytes signoff<mzzl>CYA,l8er! <=- -=> ..iNZaner sEzz.. I dOn't wan"nA dAn<e, like A mOthafUckiN" asshOle!!,, . ..jUst.. . kick sUm aZzzz "N sWeep sUm MiNd!!.. . -=> gO bEserK!! -=>> [USE MENTAL POWER TOOLZ:) ] [USE FASTTRACKER2] [USE SB16 OR HIGHER] [USE INTERPOLATION] Then just bOOst uP every sound improver you haVe !!;)) -=> <=- /\ \/ // \\ \/ / /\ \ \ \ / / (c) iNZaner,All rightZ ReserveD!! 11-mar-98" cosmic bongo cruz log hat g-day bongo low base (low) MELblockbeat high base (whirl) jape MEL (cut) snake synth aphro.snare+rush aphro.kick+rush aphro.perc+rush cool TOM wood block breaky set 1#3 breaky set 2#3 breaky set 3#3 bbe sweepshock cyber crisis cyber shot cyber industrial cyber.sling.rval K303.mellow.string k303.cymbal.rvrsal space whistler drippY wHirl goa filter 8-bit rubberduck cydust sweepclap sweep clap toxic trancer k303 hat aNgelic satellite fx whirl sweep TeeBee#1 TeeBee#2 TeeBee#3 TeeBee#4 TeeBee#5 TeeBee#6 TeeBee#7 TeeBee#8 iNZanersKSAvocal wind pAh.trancer1.whirl upbeat shock tr808.rim (echo) common MEL cyber whirl terror..crunch..beat swampY forest cyber snare
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