The Future (futuresz.xm)
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SZone / Ram Jam PC: .:. tHe fUture .:. _._._._._._._._._._._. "tHis iS tHe fUture oF yOu aNd i . . ." -'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-' tHis mOdule wAs sTarted 2 cOmpose: 22/12/1997 aNd fInished: 01/01/1998! .:. tHis mOdule pLays: 5:00 mInutes. .:. eMail mE aT: .:. gReetings 2: :: mR.bUck / rJ :: rAndy / rJ :: aCBS :: 'nOt-sCene' fRiends vIsit tHese wEb pAges: :: dA hOme pAge oF mE: :: dA 'mOd mAtrix': /mmtx/ gEt rAm jAm pC's fIrst mUsic dIsk: 'sYnthetic dReams' ! uSe pAges aBove 2 dOwnload iT. (c) 1998 SZ1/RJmPC .:. Drum.raw Future2.wav Read.wav Ui.wav Come!.wav 16020.wav 16013.wav 16019.wav Snth.wav Future.wav 16012.wav 2uwf.smp 4uwf.smp 3uwf.smp 5uwf.smp
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