Warpzone To Raveland (gm-warp.it)
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╥ ╖ ╓╓─╖╓─╖╓─╖──╖╓─╖╓─╖╓── ╥─╖╓─╖╖ ╓╓──╓ ╓─╖╓─╖╓─╢ ║╥║╟─╢╟╥╜╟─╜╓─╜║ ║║ ║╟─ ─╥─╓─╖ ╟╥╜╟─╢║ ║╟─ ║ ╟─╢║ ║║ ║ ╙╨╜╨ ╨╜╙ ╨ ╙──╙─╜╨ ╨╙── ╨ ╙─╜ ╜╙ ╨ ╨╙─╜╙──╙──╨ ╨╨ ╨╙─╨ ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ─ COMPOSED BY GIMMICK of ZODIAC ─ RELEASED ON THE 4th OF OCTOBER 1997 FOR SAMPLE CREDITS PUSH F-3 16 CHANNELS 3:50 MINUTES LONG STYLE: HAPPY HARDCORE ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ─ THIS IS MY FIRST RELEASE FOR ZODIAC ─ ZODIAC IS A LITTLE GROUP I FOUNDED WITH SOME FRIENDS IF YOU'D LIKE TO JOIN ZODIAC OR TAKE A LOOK AT OUR SITE, - ZODIAC_HOTMAIL.COM - - HTTP://COME.TO/ZODIAC - ─ TO GET MORE OF MY MUSIC VISIT: ─ - HTTP://COME.TO/GIMMICK - ─ FOR COMMENTS ON ME OR MY WORK, MAIL TO: ─ - WGIMMICK_HOTMAIL.COM - ____________________________________________________________ NEXT RELEASE EXPECTED A LONG TIME FROM NOW (I'M A STUDENT YOU KNOW!) SEE YA!
-WARPZONE to RAVELAND COMPOSED BY: GIMMICK of ZODIAC RELEASED: 4-10-'97 SAMPLE CREDITS PAH cygnes goth _______________________ / \ WGIMMICK_HOTMAIL.COM \_______________________/ SH-F9 FOR MORE INFO
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