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moongroove (glx-mog.it)

Info Summary

  • glx-mog.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 758.36KB in size and has been downloaded 897 times since Sun 22nd Apr 2018 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 182384
  • Downloads: 897
  • Favourited: 1 times
  • MD5: e113db847aaa610e94c384fffd875acb
  • Format: IT
  • Channels: 23
  • Uncompressed Size: 758.36KB
  • Genre: n/a

License License


Rating Ratings

  • Member Rating: rating (Unrated)
  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

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Info Internal Texts *

- ff un needurlants buhrigjuh!!!

- top of flop:

- Up & Down v.d. Vengaboys...

- Mail je mening naar me

- dan is dat lightspd_earthling.net

- Dit item werd mede mogelijk gemaakt

- door:

- Mindblizzard ( hij is de enige in

- Galaxy met internet)

- Ik heb ook internet, maar ik mag er weer

- geen gebruik van maken, het is voor mijn

- pa's werk. Het is nog wel gratis!!! Ja,

- behalve stroom. Suffie!!!

- Nou, mazhol,

- LsD^Glx. (btw:I want out of Galaxy, just like

- Mindblizzard, so if you want one of us in your

- group mail us!!!)

  LightspeeD of Galaxy

   .proudly presents.

     " moongroove "

    For BMP Compo II

- This song was made for
  the 2nd bmp compo. It's
  the first compo i par-
  ticipate in, to see how
  good or bad i am, com-
  pared to the rest.

- It's also the song with
  which i'm going to
  HotSound to try and
  get a contract!!! And
  it's for our CD(i hope)

- Greets:

- Mikey E: you're the
  1st 1 who heard the
  song. Before Mindbliz-
  zard, before TWiLiGHT,
  everybody.btw:Thanx for
  the CD (this time it
  was in the box)

- Mindblizzard: I've
  heard your song for the
  compo.Pretty good i can

- TWiLiGHT: When???

- Hellcat: Sting sux!!!
           H.Hogan Rulez!

- Clan: hoi.

- Destiny-crew: sorry
  i used your panning-
  envelope. it may be
  lame, but it sounds
  much better.

- Tha Ultimate: btw:
  what style??

- Vulcano: where are your

- Cobus-crew: Let's have
  some fun in Tropicana!!

- BCS: (btw, this is a
  badmintonteam(Yes, i
  play badminton, and no,
  it aint lame!!!)Yeeeh!!
  we won!!! (5-3) and
  thanx for writing in
  my organizer!! bunch
  of josti's!!!

- Special greets/thanx
  to patricia & shelly,
  they are going to sing
  vocals for my nxt song!
  ( They won popart '98
  with: "i'm not an
  addict, from the cran-

- Feedback:

  I've got an address!!
  Thanx Mindblizzard!!!
 (startingdate = ????)

- Songs: download from
  Cheezy Planet:

- "moongroove"
  (c) 1998 Coen Coppens
  aka. LightspeeD
  member of Galaxy '98.

- Unusefull info =
            shift F-9.
_ Dynamix
  Closed Hihat
_ Dynamix
  Mellow Strings
_ Dynamix
  Open Hihat
_ Keith 303
  Light Snaredrum
_ Morphine
_ LightspeeD
  Mellow Organ
_ Roul
_ Cheezer
  Reversed Bassdrum
_ Dynamix
_ LightspeeD
_ Heretic
  Commercial Bleep
_ Cheezer
_ Jay
_ Freejack
_ Masterbeat
_ Heretic
_ The Dane
_ The Dane
  9o9 Crash
_ Heretic
_ Morphine

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
