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Mars Colony (no_mars.xm)

Info Summary

  • no_mars.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 409.57KB in size and has been downloaded 211 times since Mon 23rd Apr 2018 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 182448
  • Downloads: 211
  • Favourited: 0 times
  • MD5: 1cb74e574bbe9b776a06bb58caab7cdd
  • Format: XM
  • Channels: 26
  • Uncompressed Size: 409.57KB
  • Genre: n/a

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Info Internal Texts *

M a r s  C o l o n y
    N o g s f
 of tundra & ewox

: for the BMPCOMPO2! :

..wonder if i'm the
only girl in this
contest..tell me if
i'm not! :)

imagine dry red plains
stones scattered
around as if a
mountain has exploded
no signs of life
then suddenly
a city, a colony
is it a mirage?
one of them sees you
"what are you doing
out here alone? come
with me" and smiles
you follow into the
the empty wilderness
waits outside for your
silent, comforting
shifting red sands
call out to your
do not forget
that you're alive
do not forget
that someone cares

. : gr e e ts ;.
ilmari who loves me
more than i deserve;.
quoz who inspired me
to make this tune -
-i'll see you there-;.
1AÖF at Oslo Katta;.
. : all of Ewox:
beren daelos finrod
storm ixianpr pooz ;.
. : all of Tundra :
doffers nukie megant
shagrat silver yoke ;.
 bounty oo dupont yitz
hyperlite hawk vinni
akira sheena sirius
grapsorz snw chauple
nightraver skjeggspir
megaman kravitz sam
dominei guardian afro
oce mone vanAlec
#trax and #daskmig
all the ppl i forgot:|
i ripped some samples,
their creators deserve
a greet too.

this tune lasts for
5 minutes and
55 seconds
it was made during
these two days:

i have now got a
it stinks
it's not finished yet

you can email me at
and my school address
which will probably be
gone by summer

also i want to greet
all the ppl behind the
bmpcompo2,and the
ppl who are,like me,
contributing.may the
best musicians win.

i am sorry that sample
03 isn't finetuned as
it should be,but after
fighting it for about
2 days to correct it i
gave up. it shouldn't
sound too bad though..
so long as you listen
to this in cp2.0a or
ft2.08 it should be
   (i hope)

for more unintelligent
chatter,follow arrow
1998 Johanne Skjerven
ripped from stinger?
i think
ripped from quoz
sampled by me
this sample is from
xcom3 i think
ripped from an .SBK
ripped & edited
ripped from skie
ripped from hawk
ripped from dupont
ripped from some
kfmf guy
still from kosmic
and this one
and this
this too (the last)
ripped from boomer

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
