!Nt╘LL╘CTuAl '$hRooM$' (shroom.it)
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Here it is, "Intellectual Shrooms" "Tha Trip" A total description of one great trip tracked by me (That's Twi$teR) Song information: BPM:228/172 Style:Hardcore with jungle influences and some weird breakbeat parts used patterns: 109 speed: 3 length: 9:51 The Song is written in 6 parts: Part 1 "The entrance" 0-11 Part 2 "Tha Observing Hours"12-38 Part 3 "Flip TriP"38-49 Part 4 "T*R*I*P*H*A*R*D" 49-84 part 5 "Tha BrEaK"85-109 part 6 "Tha OuTtRanCe" Users guide:Don't eat for 3 hours eat some Shrooms wait 3 quarter's start Impulse tracker 2.14 load this song and push F5.Have a nice TriP.%) I'm an individual tracker without a musicgroup so if you think My sort of music will fit in perfectly in your group please mail me. Respect:Spectra,the Dane(ThaCopKillA),Xentar,Jape,Mekx,Kom'ah,lime, Beastie bass,Missing organ !!YOU!! This is also (also?) my Entry to the BMP Compo2 So EnjoY it : ) Mail Me for feedback,questions etc taal_icns.nl !!C-Ya!! ps. Maybe your interested how I come to sample 28 and 29.I record my number on tape and connected my walkman in the line in and recorded that part again and made a wave-file of it then I edited it in cool-edit 96. (Homemade!dus!)
splishsplash.Kom'ah hh1.pack clap1.pack snair.pack Inspiration vibes.unknown tick.xentar deep kick.unknown birds.kom'ah utopia1.unknown utopia2.win95 rave1.ravebusters rave2.unknown rave3.mekx crash.pack reversed crash.pack jungloop1.?? sequence1. drop the bass.unknown sequencerev. deep kick2.kone revdeep kick1. jungloop2.twister hihat.pack revhihat.pack pan.unknown allright.unknown fill.junkie XL i. shroom1.twister i. shroom2.twister sitar/aka/choopy piano.choopy/aka ******PUSH SHIFT F9******
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